My Boots n Me is your inspirational source for hundreds of day and weekend trips around Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada. For families and photographers British Columbia has something to offer everyone. Stop awhile and savor what Mother Nature has in store for you.
You will never be disappointed.

~~Karen Cooper~~

BC, Rain and Waterfalls

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Things to Do in British Columbia - Milky Way Viewing

British Columbia offers us some pretty spectacular
dark nights to view the Milky Way.
The crisp clear winter skies are great for
amazing star gazing, it's almost unimaginalble
how many stars are really out there.

Always best to have some back up when
trying to photograph the winter night skies,
lots of patience, hot chocolate and boot warmers come to mind.
This particular shot was done near
Tumbler Ridge, BC at -19C.

A lot of hopping around to keep warm was
 done for this one, plus a promise
to an upgrade in the winter mittens department.
To gaze in awe at the night skies is well 
worth the effort here or anywhere 
the skies allow your mind to wander
to infinity and back.